"神偷奶爸" 裡的"三隻貓" +"獨角獸" 的故事書內容
我昨天在某個電影頻道看到英語版"神偷奶爸" , 三個小女孩睡前有要求奶爸唸"三隻貓"的故事書, 內容很短, 是押韻詩; 電影快結束時, 奶爸寫了"獨角獸"的故事給三個小女孩聽 , 內容也很短, 也是押韻詩,但是都蠻有趣感人!不知哪位網友可提供這2首押韻詩給我? 2012-06-05 10:52:05 補充 Paul大先生,非常感謝您幫我找出這兩首詩的出處, 並且過濾掉其他台詞保留原貌.我想請問www.metacafe.com是否為收費網站? 還是只要登錄成會員即可? 因為我想看它提供的影片, 但是影片都出不來! 2012-06-05 14:34:54 補充 Paul大先生,I was ready to register as a member, but later I found it has a bunch of terms and conditions for members to follow, which discouraged me from joining it. Though I won't do anything illegal, I don't want to be restricted by its rigid rules. 2012-06-05 14:35:19 補充 By the way, your guess is correct--it's not a fee-based site.


"神偷奶爸" 裡的"三隻貓" +"獨角獸" 的故事書內容


three little kittens loved to play, they had fun in the sun all daythen the mother came out and said, "time for kittens to go to bed."
three little kittens started to bawlMommy, we're not tired at alltheir mother smiled and said with a purr,fine, but at least you should brush your fur.(now you brush the fur.)
three little kittens with fur all brushedsaid, "we can't sleep, we feel too rushed!"their mother replied, with a voice like silk,fine, but at least you should drink the milk(now make them drink the milk.)

three little kittens with milk all gone
rubbed their eyes and started to yarn
 "we can't sleep, we can't even try"
then their mother sang a lullaby
good night kittens, close your eyes. Sleep in peace until you rise.
though while you sleep, we are apart,
your mommy loves you with all her heart.

one big unicorn strong and freethought he was happy as he could bethen three little kitten came aroundand turned his whole life upside downthey made him laugh.they made him cryhe never should have said goodbye.and now he knows he could never partfrom those three little kittensthat changed his heart.
2012-06-05 09:26:10 補充 correction: fine, but at least you should drink "your" milk

more video about the movie
http://www.metacafe.com/topics/dispicable_me/ 2012-06-05 11:44:21 補充 =================================
I found this link thru google search, no prior knowledge about this site. But it does not seems to be a fee-based site to me. All your guessing is as good as mine. Let me know what u found. 相關詞: quot是什麼,quot的意思,quot是什麼意思,quot 行政院勞委會中部辦公室,網路語言",何謂",營業稅網路申報作業要點 quot,quot什麼意思,quot神麼意思,quot 暗黑易牙居 quot
quot,神偷奶爸,獨角獸,three little kittens,milk,fur,三個小女孩,押韻詩,metacafe,and now he knows

001 意見者: 天魔小雲(L.C.) 擅長領域: 英文 | 颱風 發表時間: 2012-06-05 09:06:43 Just dropping in to say that I LOVE this movie.

Have a nice day! 1
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